Home Education 10 Places Where Your Children Can Enjoy Book Readings Online

10 Places Where Your Children Can Enjoy Book Readings Online

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It is a well-known fact that children love to hear stories read aloud. How many of them end up begging for “just one more story” before bed? Not only do kids like hearing stories, but doing so contributes greatly to developing their literacy skills. It is through having books read to them that children begin to become familiar with the English language and how it works. They also appreciate the stimulation of seeing a book’s beautiful illustrations.

Lucky for you and your little ones, there are tons of places on YouTube where you can find online readings of great children’s stories. Here are just a few of them.

1) KidTimeStoryTime

This channel features countless stories and plenty of endearing puppets. The storyteller (who is an author and Emmy Award winner) lays the books flat as she reads so viewers can see the pictures. Under the “Playlists” tab, you’ll find categories like “Friendship Stories for Kids”, “Children’s Books Based on Movies & TV”, and “Bear Books!”.

Popular videos include:

2) Lindsay Out Loud

This YouTube channel is exactly what it sounds like: in each video, Lindsay reads a children’s book out loud. She delivers each story with an animated tone and expressions, along with offering bits of amusing commentary as she reads. Her storytelling skills are sure to keep your children engaged.

Popular videos include:

3) StoryTime at Awnie’s House

With 472,000 subscribers, StoryTime at Awnie’s House is one of the most popular YouTube channels dedicated to online book readings out there. Awnie’s videos regularly rack up millions of views, and it’s not tough to see why. She is a delightful ball of energy who makes every story she reads come to life. Some of the channel’s playlists are “Interactive Books” and “Kindness and Acceptance/Believing in Yourself”.

Popular videos include:

4) The Children’s Storytime Bookshelf

On this channel, book-lover Beth reads from her library of adventure, classic children’s books, and character-building stories. She updates with a new story every day. Her collection of videos features readings of much-beloved children’s stories like those by Dr. Seuss and Berenstain Bears books.

Popular videos include:

5) Toadstools and Fairy Dust

Miss Jill runs Toadstools and Fairy Dust and has a lot of experience reading stories at local schools and libraries. She is wonderfully engaging as she reads each story. Skillful camerawork also helps to show off the books’ lovely illustrations. It’s no wonder so many of her videos have over a million views.

Popular videos include:

6) StoryTime with Suzie

Here’s another lovely lady who adores reading her favorite children’s books aloud. Suzie really commits to each reading, doing amusing voices for each character. She reads several beloved fairy tales, as well as books that rhyme which will enchant your younger children.

Popular videos include:

7) Alos Storytime

Those at Alos Storytime are eager to improve child literacy and “ignite the interest of books in kids”. The channel features monster books, as well as summer and winter books. Alos Storytime also includes learning videos to help toddlers learn their colors, numbers, and ABCs.

Popular videos include:

8) Daddy Twinkle’s Story Time

Daddy Twinkle’s Story Time was started by a father who wanted to make reading fun for kids, including his twin daughters. He also hoped to help those who are trying to learn English as a second language. Daddy Twinkle has a PhD in English Language and Literature and engages his young viewers with his animated delivery.

Popular videos include:

9) Emma Grace

In addition to memes and animations and arts & crafts videos, Emma Grace reads books aloud on her channel for toddlers and preschoolers. She does wonderful voices and brings her videos to life with bits of animation. The scales on the fish in her reading of The Rainbow Fish even sparkle!

Popular videos include:

10) HarperKids

HarperKids is HarperCollins’ dedicated children’s books channel. In addition to singalongs and DIY projects, the channel features many book readings by the stories’ authors and illustrators. Silken-voiced author Neil Gaiman reads several of his own stories himself, including the entirety of his children’s classic, The Graveyard Book.

Popular videos include:

Author’s Bio: Jillian Karger was born in Ohio but has lived in and around New York City for over a decade. Since graduating from NYU in 2009, Jill has had a long string of jobs doing things like scouting books to be adapted for film and researching trivia questions for “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire”.

She has done freelance writing as well for sites like Cracked.com, and had her Twitter jokes featured on BuzzFeed and funnyordie.com. Jill has also self-published two novels on Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/Jillian-Karger/e/B07B894DNW).

Follow her blog posts about books and writing advice, read books and publish them for free at: https://www.fictionate.me.

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